Certified Blockchain
Solution Architect CBSA

Comprehensive training to impart in-depth practical knowledge in various Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Cryptographic technologies

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Accreditation by:

The Institute of Banking and Finance

The Institute of Banking and Finance

Based on:

Blockchain Training Alliance - Certified Blockchain Solution Architect CBSA

Blockchain Training Alliance

Training by:

Institute of Singapore Project Management

Institute of Singapore Project Management

Why Join Us


This expert-led Blockchain training is for all learners who is keen to learn more about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Cryptographic technologies, as well as their application in real life and future use cases.

Participants will be equipped with a thorough understanding of the blockchain architecture, technology, and platform. Participants will gain practical understanding in the application of blockchain use cases and practical skills on how to apply blockchains to their business.

Participants will learn how cryptocurrency mining is done, with technical understanding on mining as a transaction validation with the concept of nonce and brute-forcing. 

This training program is aligned with the Certified Blockchain Solution Architect (CBSA) certification. For participants who is interested in certifying themselves as being proficient with Blockchain technologies, this course will enable the participants to be more prepared for the globally-recognized certification exam.

Learning Outcomes

In this interactive workshop, learners will learn about how blockchain works and the various Blockchain technologies. Participants will be able to acquire knowledge and gain practical skills on:

Who Should Attend

Anyone who wishes to understand and learn about various blockchain, cryptocurrency and cryptographic technologies. This program is designed for both non-technical and technical professionals. It is particularly useful for learners who are looking to upskills and be involved in emerging technologies.

Eligibility Criteria

No prerequisites.

Course Outline

Activity 1: What is Blockchain ?

Activity 2: How does Blockchain work ?

Activity 3: Types of Blockchains ?

Activity 4: What is so special about Blockchain and how is it different from what we have now ?

Activity 5: Architecture of a Blockchain Application

Activity 6: Design a Blockchain Application

Activity 7: Develop a Blockchain Application

Activity 8: Test a Blockchain Application

Activity 9: Ethereum

Activity 10: What is Certified Blockchain Solution Architect CBSA ?

Activity 11: Course Wrap Up, Review and Assessment

Accreditation by:

The Institute of Banking and Finance

The Institute of Banking and Finance

Based on:

Blockchain Training Alliance - Certified Blockchain Solution Architect CBSA

Blockchain Training Alliance

Training by:

Institute of Singapore Project Management

Institute of Singapore Project Management